Monday, March 9, 2009

Littering in parks is a problem in all of the United States. Since I cannot focus on all of the United States, I will focus on the surrounding Detroit area. The local and national parks in the surrounding Detroit area are suffering from problems such as littering, but this is a problem that can be solved. Littering can cause many problems such as land, air, and water pollution.
One problem that many local and national parks in the surrounding Detroit area face is land pollution. Land pollution is mostly caused by littering. Littering is one of the biggest problems that cause land pollution but it is one of the problems that can be taken care of with dedication and a little force. Many local parks have restraints on what you can bring into them but rarely are they enforced and many parks have places to dump your trash or recycle your bottles but people are just lazy and don’t fear the threat or respect the park security. This is why laws should be enforced more and people need to be fined for their actions. Fines are already very large but rarely are they enforced. If the state would step in and force the law I believe that land pollution could be reduced considerably. If we do not take action soon all the activities that we enjoy on a day to day basis will not be possible because the land we live on and enjoy will be so polluted that it will be dangerous to go around it.
Another problem that not only parks face but also the whole world is air pollution. Air pollution is created from many things such as car exhausts, industry smoke, and simple things like littering. Littering is probably the easiest thing out of all of these to try and fix even though it is still not very easy. By reducing littering you will reduce the everyday items just lying around our streets and in our parks that give off all the hazardous fumes that cause air pollution. By reducing littering you reduce air pollution, therefore create a better environment not only for humans to live in but all life. If we could even reduce littering by a small percent each year it would make a huge difference in the long run and even though it would be nearly impossible to totally stop littering it would make a tremendous improvement in our environment and make for a healthier world to live in. So if we can help our parks out and keep them litter free it will not only help them out but it will help out our whole country.
Water pollution is also a huge problem that our local and national parks face. Water pollution is probably the worst type of pollution because nothing can survive without water; almost everything has something to do with water. Almost all local and national parks have a river or body of water that runs through them. Littering is like the second leading cause of water pollution. If we could reduce littering it would be a huge step toward cleaner water. Even though people may not litter in water it still affects the water, because even though the garbage may not be near the body of water its harmful materials eventually make it to the water because of runoffs and sewer systems. The hazardous materials go along the sewer systems or runoffs and wash into the rivers or bodies of water and pollute them. By reducing littering it will help reduce pollution and create a cleaner water system for our country.
If we reduce littering it would not only make our national and local parks look better but it would help reduce the three most common types of pollution; water pollution, air pollution, and land pollution. This would be not only be a huge step towards a cleaner environment for the surrounding Detroit area but for our whole country.

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